Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Washington, DC

 Welcome to my first attempt at a blog! I promise it will get better...!

On April 18 I packed my bags and boarded the train to head west. Other than running a little late the first leg of the train trip, which took me to Washington DC, was pretty uneventful. When I got to DC I had to navigate the Metro to get out of the city and that was interesting. Finally a nearby drunk helped me push the buttons and enter my cast to get a pass. I was nice and gave him 15 cents for his efforts.

The next two evenings I stayed with my friends Nancy and Glenn. Without going into details, it was a WONDERFUL visit!  One of those why haven't we done this more often kind of things.
Museum of the American Indian

On Tuesday, while they were at work, I headed back into DC to be a tourist. I did need the help of the drunk again, but had to figure it out on my own - and did! Actually got back into the city all by myself and wandered around the National Mall. The Museum of the American Indian was fascinating. The introductory movie was the best I've ever seen - a media event with movies on the dome, movies on the screen and movies on the big stone in the middle of the room. All were synced so that we were immersed in the setting. The displays of different Indian nations were filled with profound native philosophies and inviting glimpses into the past and present of these culture. My brain filled up fast so I left to picnic on the Mall.

Mud Man
Crochet Reef
After filling my stomach and resting my brain, I ventured down the Mall, breezing past the Hirschorn Sculpture Garden, where I met Mud Man (my name, don't know what the actual title is), and ending up at the Museum of Natural History. Me and a hundred thousand families and school groups. Despite the crowds, the displays were relatively easy to access and captivating. I saw ocean life and cave men and bones and THE mastodon. The crocheted reef - done by folks from the community - was especially interesting! Once again, my brain shut down after seeing only about 30% of the offerings. Full, but very satisfied!

Today I get back on the train - this time a Roomette, very upscale - and head to Chicago...


  1. Cool blog mom! I understand the dilemma of a full brain. It's good that you can accept it when yours is full and not overload it. Probably helps you process information better! Look forward to reading more.

  2. Great blog. We enjoy reading all about your trip.

  3. Did walking along the mall bring back memories of Dalen 'watering' it when we went before? ;) Hahahaha!
    Sounds like you are having a great time! I'm impressed you were able to spit out such intelligent vocabulary in your beautiful descriptions considering your brain shut down.
    I love this blog, makes me feel like I'm almost there with you. Love you lots! Keep enjoying every minute!!

  4. great blog! good idea. I can't wait to hear more.
