Thursday, April 21, 2011

Traveling in Style

Yesterday I learned what it’s like to travel in style: the romantic style of train travel from books and old movies.

Not realizing I was special, I had waited with the commoners prior to boarding the train to Chicago. When the time came to board, the Amtrak attendant called me - and a couple of others who weren’t aware of their true and proper status - up to the front of the line and told us that we should have waited in the “members only” section along with the other sleeping car travelers. We had missed out on the opportunity for waiting in comfort with drinks and snacks at our fingertips and a place to store our luggage for free. We should have known better.

The Capitol Limited Train
My Roomette
As we sleeping car travelers walked out to the tallest train I’d ever seen, I realized the full coolness of my trip.  And then I saw the roomette!! After sleeping with strangers – and trying not to sleep ON strangers – in coach, I was overwhelmed with having not one, but two large seats and a door all to myself!! I believe I took 10 pictures, one from every possible angle! There was a closet, and a towel and two washcloths, and water, too! Snacks, coffee, juice, and more water – all free (well, already paid for) – were just down the hall. There was even a shower! The dining room attendant came by and asked what time I would like to dine. Since meals are included when you’re a sleeping car traveler, I chose 6 pm. Then the sleeping car attendant came by to see what time he could “turn down” my bed for me. I told him that 10 pm would be perfect. I am learning to enjoy sleeping car life.

Dining In Style
Dining on the upper level of a two-story train was better than I had ever imagined! Sharing a table and conversation with other travelers while being served a 3-course meal and watching the mountains and rivers roll by out the window was straight out of an Agatha Christie movie (without the murder – so far as I know). The food was actually quite good and went well with the bottle of wine I bought (which helped me with the ‘conversation with other travelers’ part). Then, at bed time, the rock and roll of the train, the rattle of the track, and the soft sound of the train whistle helped me to enjoy a good night of sleep! Not a “home in my own bed” kind of night, but better than any other means of travel!

Chicago from the Train
"The Picasso"
"The Bean"
After arriving in Chicago this morning, I had about 8 hours to kill before heading out to my brother’s house. So I set out to get a feel for Obama’s hometown. I learned tidbits about Chicago’s modern, post modern and contemporary architecture on a walking tour of “Modern Skyscrapers,” including the Willis (formerly Sears) Tower and the Trump Tower. I visited “The Picasso”, which has been wearing a Black Hawks helmet ever since they won the Stanley Cup in the hopes of a repeat victory. And I found a much-needed sunny bench in Millennium Park for my picnic where I was entertained by the unusual artwork of “The Bean” and the huge faces in the Crown Fountain.  A sampling of Chicago that left me wanting more…

1 comment:

  1. Wow! That is traveling in luxury. You well deserve it. The sights around Chicago are interesting and it sounds like you had a great tour.
